Analogy Sites on the WWW
- Altoona List of
Medical Analogies - from the web site for the Altoona Family
Physicians Residency Program; this is a list of medical analogies for
topics ranging from adherence to urology.
- Analogies
Coming Out Our Ears - another group of medical related analogies
from the folks at Altoona.
- Analogies
for Learning in Electrical Technology - analogies for: electric
charge, work, voltage, Kirchoff's Voltage Law, current, resistance, and
the capacitor.
- Biology
Analogies from the Biolab - a great collection of biology
- Concentration
Analogies - examples of concentration analogies illustrating such
concepts as one part per million, etc.
- Models and
Analogies in Science - this paper stresses the importance of
physical models and analogies as essential tools of scientific thinking.
- Scientific
Teaching Analogies- from the website,
analogies for electrophoresis, chromatography, molecular Sieves, ion
exchange, gas laws, energetics of respiration and
photosynthesis,utilization cascade of body energy sources, and the
chemical bond.
- Teaching
Biotechnology by Analogies and Models - analogies for: polymerase
chain reaction, phenotype, bacterial chromosome and plasmids, enzymes,
and making recombinant molecules.
- Teaching
Science with Analogies: A resource for Teachers and Textbook Authors
- describes the role of analogies in science instruction and presents
research on a model for teaching with analogies.
- Teaching
Science Concepts to Children: The Role of Analogies - This site
describes the use of analogies as a way of helping students form mental
models of science concepts; and outlines the operations involved in
drawing an analogy. Examples of analogies: an electrical circuit is like
a system of water pipes; a DNA molecule is like a ladder; a cell is like
a factory; a heart is like a force pump; a kidney is like a waste
filter; an eye is like a camera; a pulsar is like a lighthouse; and
photosynthesis is like baking bread.
- Worst Analogies
Ever Written in a High School Essay - if you want a touch of
humour, read these winners of a "worst analogies contest" sponsored by
the Washington Post.
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